Second ESFRI Forum and Training Event

The ASTERICS/DADI ESFRI Forum and Training events aim at bringing together staff from ESFRI facilities and VO developers to continue active participation in the development of the VO framework and to train ESFRI technical staff on the VO technical environment. The goal of the ESFRI Forum & Training Event #2 is

  • to provide updates on the status of the projects, of DADI and the VO, respectively;

  • to verify the status of VO acceptance within the projects after 2 years from the ESFRI Forum & Training Event #1;

  • to get feedback on the developments made and planned

  • to evaluate what can be done by ASTERICS and DADI until the end of the project (April 2019).


Participation in the meeting is open to the members of the ASTERICS project. The representatives of the ESFRI and precursor projects will invite relevant people from their collaborations to participate in the meeting and contribute to it. DADI members may invite experts from non-ASTERICS institutions when appropriate. The Organising Committee may select additional contributions and will be responsible to finalise the agenda of the meeting.

To register, simply:

  • add yourself to the table at bottom

  • send us an email with your details (see table at bottom) [marco (dot) molinaro (at) inaf (dot) it]


13 & 14 December, 2017 - ESFRI Forum

12 December, 2017 - Introductory session on the VO for newcomers


INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Trieste

(Villa Bazzoni building)
Via Riccardo Bazzoni, 2
34124 Trieste (TS), Italy

Trieste (IT), 12 - 14 December 2017