The third ASTERICS-OBELICS workshop, entitled “New paths in data analysis and open data provision in Astronomy and Astroparticle Physics”, invites all professionals from astronomy & astroparticle to join the 4-day workshop in Cambridge (UK), from 23rd to 26th October 2018.  To join us, please do your registration here.

The 3rd ASTERICS – OBELICS Workshop will survey the development of new software analysis methods in Astronomy and Astroparticle Physics. Follow-up discussions about potential connections between the ESFRI projects and the implementation of EOSC will be part of the programme.

This workshop is a follow-up of the previous workshops, held last years in Rome (2016) and Barcelona (2017). This workshop will serve a threefold purpose:

  • Present an overview of OBELICS achievements to the Astronomy and astroparticle physics community. In particular, the open software and services repository developed within OBELICS as well as other solutions created within OBELICS in cooperation with industries will be presented.
  • Discuss the developments of new software analysis approaches (e.g. Bayesian statistics, AI and Machine Learning) developed within the ASTERICS partner ESFRI and other world-class research infrastructures in Astronomy, Astrophysics and Astroparticle Physics. Furthermore, it will explore potential links with similar developments in other scientific domains.
  • Provide overview of the developments in the implementation of European Open Science Cloud (EOSC), with presentations from EOSC hub, EOSC pilot as well as Astronomy ESFRI projects. The EOSC is going to make available series of services to the scientists. Technical and governance aspects will have impact on the research infrastructures involved in ASTERICS and on their own role in EOSC. Follow-up discussions about potential connections between the ESFRI projects and the implementation of EOSC for FAIR data and service provision will be part of the programme, as well ass the identification of how astronomy and astroparticle physics community can support EOSC.

Want to know join 3rd ASTERICS & OBELICS workshop?

Click here to see the full programme of the 3rd ASTERICS-OBELICS Workshop: New paths in data analysis and open data provision in astronomy and astroparticle Physics.

About ASTERICS-OBELICS and past workshop editions

Workpackage 3 OBELICS, from ASTERICS project, is enabling interoperability and software re-use for the data generation, integration and analysis.

Since 2016, OBELICS has been organizing annual workshops gathering the scientists and technologists from ASTERICS partner institutions, H2020 projects such as IndigoDataCloud, HNSciClound, AARC2, industries such as ATOS, NVIDIA, ORACLE Europe, Common Workflow Language, E4, OROBIX and consortia such as EU-T0, APPEC & EGI. The workshop has also attracted participants from CERN as well as LIGO Laboratory, Caltech USA, European Gravitational Observatory, European Southern Observatory. The workshops have been catalysing collaborative networking with partner H2020 projects, partner consortia and industry to work together in future common areas of interests, which was also one of the scopes of the ASTERICS cluster.

  • 1st ASTERICS – OBELICS Workshop, Rome, 2016  explored “Science Data Cloud & Computing models in Astronomy and Astroparticle physics through users and e-infrastructures engagement”. It addressed high priority subjects of ESFRI projects such as Authorization and Authentication, Data Storage, Transfer & Preservation, Large Databases, Workflow management and Interoperability.
  • 2nd ASTERICS – OBELICS Workshop, Barcelona 2017  had an overview of  “Astronomy & Astroparticle Physics assets in building the European Open Science Cloud”. It addressed potential connections between the ESFRI projects and the implementation of EOSC for data interoperability. 

Contact Person: Jayesh Wagh, OBELICS workpackage project manager, H2020-ASTERICS

Email: jayesh.wagh Phone: + 33 4 50 09 16 01


Third ASTERICS-OBELICS workshop teaser image
Cambridge (GB), 23 - 26 October 2018