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The ASTERICS project is organising an international Virtual Observatory school at the Centro de Astrobiología, Madrid, Spain.
The Virtual Observatory (VO) is opening up new ways of exploiting the huge amount of data provided by the ever-growing number of ground-based and space facilities, as well as by computer simulations. The goal of the school is twofold:
To achieve these goals, VO experts will lecture and tutor the participants on the usage of VO tools and services. Real life examples of scientific applications will be given. A large fraction of the time will be dedicated to hands-on exercises, which will allow participants to become fully familiar with the VO capabilities on their own laptops.
In order to ensure the right level of interaction, participation will be restricted to a limited number of participants (45 approx.). Preference will be given to PhD students and post-docs.
Centro de Astrobiología (CAB, INTA-CSIC) Campus ESAC 28691 Villanueva de la Cañada Madrid, Spain
The campus is located about 30 km north-west of Madrid.The meeting will take place in the conference centre of ESAC, in building D, rooms D1/D2. The location of the conference centre and of other facilities on the ESAC site can be found in this map.
The registration form can be accessed here
A block booking of 30 rooms has been made at the Residencia de Estudiantes on 14-18 December at a special rate.
All rooms are equipped with free wifi.
To make the reservation, send an email to: (with copy to indicating:
The Residencia de Estudiantes is located at the headquarters of the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC). There are two entrances, one (the main gate) at Serrano, 117 and another one at the intersection of Pedro de Valdivia and Pinar (see map in the Transportation section). From 22:00h to 07:00 the entrance Pedro de Valdivia/Pinar is locked. If you arrive later you will have to ring the bell and identify yourself saying that you are staying at the Residencia de Estudiantes.
More information about the Residencia de Estudiantes can be found in this flyer: staying_at_the_residencia.pdf
A preliminary program can be found here
There will be buses available to transport participants from the hotel to ESAC in the mornings and back in the afternoons.Buses will departure from the intersection of Pedro de Valdivia and Pinar (see map below).
IMPORTANT: There will be no passenger control, which means the bus will not wait for you. Please, try to be in place at least 5 minutes in advance. ESAC is in the middle of the countryside and difficult to reach by public transport. So, if you miss the bus, you'll get in trouble… Information on how to reach ESAC from the Residencia de Estudiantes by taxi can be found here
Click on the maps for a larger size.
Travel and accommodation support is available for the participants in this workshop. For further information, contact
You can find useful information about Madrid in these web sites:
You can see the weather forecast here.
Local Organising Committee: Enrique Solano, Francisco Jiménez, Carlos Rodrigo
Contact: esm (at) cab (dot) inta-csic (dot) es
* Seminar at the National Observatory of Athens
* Seminar at the University of Athens