====== ASTERICS WP4 - Task 4.3 ====== Updates of the VO framework from feedback and requirements ===== Activities ===== * Identification of priorities based on ESFRI, pathfinder and scientific needs * Identification of priorities by AEB * Initial priorities: multi-dimensional data (including polarisation), time domain, provenance, adopt VO tools to new observables * Update or definition of standards * Participation in IVOA meetings * ASTERICS DADI Technology Forums: two for the first year, then one/year * Technical work in IVOA Working Groups and Interest groups driven by the priorities * Updates of the data publication tools, software libraries and VO-enabled access tools * Liaison with RDA and other initiatives dealing with interoperability * Liaison with WP3 OBELICS ===== Deliverables ===== * [[WP4Techforum1|First ASTERICS DADI Technology Forum]] (CNRS), 17 & 18 September 2015, Strasbourg * [[WP4TechForum2|Second ASTERICS DADI Technology Forum]] (UEDIN), 7 & 8 March 2016, Edinburgh * Third ASTERICS DADI Technology Forum (CNRS) * Fourth ASTERICS DADI Technology Forum (UEDIN) * Fifth ASTERICS DADI Technology Forum (CNRS) ===== Milestones ===== [[http://wiki.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/InterOpJune2015|IVOA Interoperability meeting]], 14-19 June 2015, Sesto/Sexten [[http://wiki.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/IvoaEvents|IVOA Interoperability meeting]], 30 October - 1 November 2015, Sydney and the attached [[http://www.caastro.org/event/2015-adass|ADASS XXV]] Conference (25-29 October 2015) [[http://ivoa2016.sa3.ac.za/|IVOA Interoperability Meeting]], 9-13 May 2016, Cape Town [[http://www.adass2016.inaf.it/index.php/13-ivoa-interop|IVOA Interoperability Meeting]], 21-23 October 2016, Trieste, and the attached [[http://www.adass2016.inaf.it/|ADASS XXVI Conference]] (16-20 October 2016) ===== Other relevant meetings ===== [[https://rd-alliance.org/plenary-meetings/rda-sixth-plenary-meeting.html|RDA Sixth Plenary meeting]], 23-25 September 2015, Paris [[https://rd-alliance.org/plenary-meetings/rda-seventh-plenary-meeting.html|RDA Seventh Plenary Meeting]], 1-3 March 2016, Tokyo [[https://rd-alliance.org/plenaries/rda-eighth-plenary-meeting-denver-co|RDA Eighth Plenary meeting]], during the [[https://rd-alliance.org/denver-colorado-host-international-data-week.html-0|International Data Week]], Denver, Colorado, 11-17 September 2016