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open:wp4:wp4techforum4:hackathon [2018/05/25 09:08]
open:wp4:wp4techforum4:hackathon [2018/05/25 09:18] (current)
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 | François Bonnarel (16 April, 17:30-18:30 | | François Bonnarel (16 April, 17:30-18:30 |
 The Hack-a-Thon discussion about this topic were presented in a talk during the morning session of Day 2: {{open:​wp4:​multi-d-dal-feedback.pdf}} (François Bonnarel/ Marco Molinaro) The Hack-a-Thon discussion about this topic were presented in a talk during the morning session of Day 2: {{open:​wp4:​multi-d-dal-feedback.pdf}} (François Bonnarel/ Marco Molinaro)
 +  * DataLink discovery outside ObsTAP/​SIAV2 context : Resource descriptor, ucd, LINK element and Access GROUP discussed ​
 +  * DataLink semantics list extension
 +  * DataLink for local resources
 +  * Resource Descriptors processing difficulties
 +  * SIAV2/SIAV1 services combination
 +  * SIAV2 for virtual data missing
 +  * SIAV2 request for list of available collections,​ instruments,​ facilities
 +  * SODA lack of implementations. importance of semantics and description for SODA lines in DataLink. ​
 | **TOPIC IVOA Time Series/Time Domain** | | **TOPIC IVOA Time Series/Time Domain** |
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 The effort is led by TDIG WG with inputs from DAL, DM. Application is getting in. The effort is led by TDIG WG with inputs from DAL, DM. Application is getting in.
 Strong involvment of ASTERICS partners. Strong involvment of ASTERICS partners.
 Discovery metadata, TimeFrame details and Time representation reached a consensus Discovery metadata, TimeFrame details and Time representation reached a consensus
 Data Modeling of TimeSeries is designed as extension of CubeDM. Work by MCD and ML. convergence reachable. Data Modeling of TimeSeries is designed as extension of CubeDM. Work by MCD and ML. convergence reachable.
-Serialization and representations:​ several attempts with several methods (VO-DML and utypes) on the same sample dataset have been tested. VizieR has developed a prototype ​with cosistency with these proposals+ 
 +Serialization and representations:​ several attempts with several methods (VO-DML and utypes) on the same sample dataset have been tested. VizieR has developed a prototype ​implementing ​these various ​proposals
 Hopefully progresses will be made in VIctoria interop for convergence. Hopefully progresses will be made in VIctoria interop for convergence.
 Discussion in the hack a thon was also focused on how applications (TopCAT, SPLAT, TimeSeries) can ingest that. Discussion in the hack a thon was also focused on how applications (TopCAT, SPLAT, TimeSeries) can ingest that.
 Edimburg group has the intention of developping a TimeSeries specific tool to ingest that and process these data. Edimburg group has the intention of developping a TimeSeries specific tool to ingest that and process these data.
open/wp4/wp4techforum4/hackathon.1527232131.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/05/25 09:08 by bonnarel