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open:wp4:wp4techforum4:hackathon [2018/04/18 11:04]
open:wp4:wp4techforum4:hackathon [2018/05/25 09:18] (current)
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 | **TOPIC: Datalink, SIAV2, SOda feedback** | | **TOPIC: Datalink, SIAV2, SOda feedback** |
 | François Bonnarel (16 April, 17:30-18:30 | | François Bonnarel (16 April, 17:30-18:30 |
 +The Hack-a-Thon discussion about this topic were presented in a talk during the morning session of Day 2: {{open:​wp4:​multi-d-dal-feedback.pdf}} (François Bonnarel/ Marco Molinaro)
 +  * DataLink discovery outside ObsTAP/​SIAV2 context : Resource descriptor, ucd, LINK element and Access GROUP discussed ​
 +  * DataLink semantics list extension
 +  * DataLink for local resources
 +  * Resource Descriptors processing difficulties
 +  * SIAV2/SIAV1 services combination
 +  * SIAV2 for virtual data missing
 +  * SIAV2 request for list of available collections,​ instruments,​ facilities
 +  * SODA lack of implementations. importance of semantics and description for SODA lines in DataLink. ​
 | **TOPIC IVOA Time Series/Time Domain** | | **TOPIC IVOA Time Series/Time Domain** |
 | Dave Morris (17 April, 14:00-15:30 | | Dave Morris (17 April, 14:00-15:30 |
 +The effort is led by TDIG WG with inputs from DAL, DM. Application is getting in.
-  * Container technology (Docker etc) [BoF]+Strong involvment of ASTERICS partners.
-  * Informal discussion about DataLink requirements in TOPCAT +Discovery metadataTimeFrame details ​and Time representation reached a consensus
-    * Mark T and Markus DMark T and Carlos - useful requirements input from data providers+
-  ​* Informal discussion about modular, message-driven resource publishing solution +Data Modeling of TimeSeries is designed as extension of CubeDM. Work by MCD and ML. convergence reachable. 
-    ​* Marco M and Markus D discussed about the reasons to put a modular solution in place, connected risks and potential benefits. Manageability increased costs versus portability and distributed developing effort ​ were considered.+ 
 +Serialization and representations:​ several attempts with several methods (VO-DML and utypes) on the same sample dataset have been tested. VizieR has developed a prototype implementing these various proposals 
 +Hopefully progresses will be made in VIctoria interop for convergence. 
 +Discussion in the hack a thon was also focused on how applications (TopCAT, SPLAT, TimeSeries) can ingest that. 
 +Edimburg group has the intention of developping a TimeSeries specific tool to ingest that and process these data. 
 +| **TOPIC: Informal discussion about DataLink requirements in TOPCAT** | 
 +| Mark Taylor |   
 +Mark T and Markus D, Mark T and Carlos - useful requirements input from data providers 
 +| **TOPIC: ​Informal discussion about modular, message-driven resource publishing solution** | 
 +| Marco Molinaro | 
 +Marco M and Markus D discussed about the reasons to put a modular solution in place, connected risks and potential benefits. Manageability increased costs versus portability and distributed developing effort ​ were considered.
open/wp4/wp4techforum4/hackathon.1524042241.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/04/18 11:04 by molinaro