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open:wp4:wp4exodm_report [2018/10/03 09:35]
molinaro [Modelization]
open:wp4:wp4exodm_report [2018/10/03 09:38] (current)
molinaro [Modelization]
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 However basic components like the planets - including bulk composition and atmospheric descriptions -, and the orbiting details - both for planets around star(s), stellar multiple components, satellites - are clearly missing from the VO scenario and were investigated upon. However basic components like the planets - including bulk composition and atmospheric descriptions -, and the orbiting details - both for planets around star(s), stellar multiple components, satellites - are clearly missing from the VO scenario and were investigated upon.
-Images ​[[open:​wp4:​wp4exodm:​modeling1|step 1]] report some stages of the conceptual modeling effort while discussion went on.+Images ​(steps {{:open:​wp4:​wp4exodm:​modeling1.jpg?​linkonly|1}}, {{:​open:​wp4:​wp4exodm:​modeling2.jpg?​linkonly|2}} and {{:​open:​wp4:​wp4exodm:​modeling3.jpg?​linkonly|3}}) ​report some stages of the conceptual modeling effort while discussion went on.
 In the end, the nodal point of the modelization turned out to be how the orbital elements (an orbit component) were to be represented. That's because they were initially thought to be sub-components to planets, but actually referring to a two body system. Also, as already said above, orbits are referred to planets orbiting around stellar hosts, satellites orbiting around planets (and there are already researches on exo-moons), stars revolving around each other. In the end, the nodal point of the modelization turned out to be how the orbital elements (an orbit component) were to be represented. That's because they were initially thought to be sub-components to planets, but actually referring to a two body system. Also, as already said above, orbits are referred to planets orbiting around stellar hosts, satellites orbiting around planets (and there are already researches on exo-moons), stars revolving around each other.
-This led to a modelization (see image 2) where generic "​objects"​ are represented with orbit seen as a component that is attached to the relationship between two of them. This would solve the various orbiting scenarios, sub-typing the various real-world objects from a general one, including, possibly, stellar binary systems.+This led to a modelization (see {{:​open:​wp4:​wp4exodm:​modeling2.jpg?​linkonly|image 2}}) where generic "​objects"​ are represented with orbit seen as a component that is attached to the relationship between two of them. This would solve the various orbiting scenarios, sub-typing the various real-world objects from a general one, including, possibly, stellar binary systems.
-Some specific cases (image 3) were then discussed to see whether the above modelization allows implementation of real world solutions, like a binary star with a planet orbiting only one of the stellar components or both of them.+Some specific cases ({{:​open:​wp4:​wp4exodm:​modeling3.jpg?​linkonly|drawing ​3}}) were then discussed to see whether the above modelization allows implementation of real world solutions, like a binary star with a planet orbiting only one of the stellar components or both of them.
 ===== Conclusions ===== ===== Conclusions =====
open/wp4/wp4exodm_report.1538552150.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2018/10/03 09:35 by molinaro