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open:wp4:wp4exodm_report [2018/10/03 09:31]
molinaro [INAF-OAPd, Padova, 20-21/09/2018]
open:wp4:wp4exodm_report [2018/10/03 09:38] (current)
molinaro [Modelization]
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 **Exo-Planetary Systems Data Model Meeting** **Exo-Planetary Systems Data Model Meeting**
 //​**INAF-OAPd,​ Padova, 20-21/​09/​2018**//​ //​**INAF-OAPd,​ Padova, 20-21/​09/​2018**//​
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 However basic components like the planets - including bulk composition and atmospheric descriptions -, and the orbiting details - both for planets around star(s), stellar multiple components, satellites - are clearly missing from the VO scenario and were investigated upon. However basic components like the planets - including bulk composition and atmospheric descriptions -, and the orbiting details - both for planets around star(s), stellar multiple components, satellites - are clearly missing from the VO scenario and were investigated upon.
-Images ​[LINKS ATTACH] ​report some stages of the conceptual modeling effort while discussion went on.+Images ​(steps {{:​open:​wp4:​wp4exodm:​modeling1.jpg?​linkonly|1}},​ {{:​open:​wp4:​wp4exodm:​modeling2.jpg?​linkonly|2}} and {{:​open:​wp4:​wp4exodm:​modeling3.jpg?​linkonly|3}}) ​report some stages of the conceptual modeling effort while discussion went on.
-In the end, the nodal point of the modelization turned out to be how the orbital elements (an orbit component) were to be represented. That's because they were initially ​tought ​to be sub-components to planets, but actually referring to a two body system. Also, as already said above, orbits are referred to planets orbiting around stellar hosts, satellites orbiting around planets (and there are already ​reasearches ​on exo-moons), stars revolving around each other.+In the end, the nodal point of the modelization turned out to be how the orbital elements (an orbit component) were to be represented. That's because they were initially ​thought ​to be sub-components to planets, but actually referring to a two body system. Also, as already said above, orbits are referred to planets orbiting around stellar hosts, satellites orbiting around planets (and there are already ​researches ​on exo-moons), stars revolving around each other.
-This led to a modelization (see image 2) where generic "​objects"​ are represented with orbit seen as a component that is attached to the relationship between two of them. This would solve the various orbiting scenarios, sub-typing the various real-world objects from a general one, including, possibly, stellar binary systems.+This led to a modelization (see {{:​open:​wp4:​wp4exodm:​modeling2.jpg?​linkonly|image 2}}) where generic "​objects"​ are represented with orbit seen as a component that is attached to the relationship between two of them. This would solve the various orbiting scenarios, sub-typing the various real-world objects from a general one, including, possibly, stellar binary systems.
-Some specific cases (image 3) were then discussed to see whether the above modelization allows implementation of real world solutions, like a binary star with a planet orbiting only one of the stellar components or both of them.+Some specific cases ({{:​open:​wp4:​wp4exodm:​modeling3.jpg?​linkonly|drawing ​3}}) were then discussed to see whether the above modelization allows implementation of real world solutions, like a binary star with a planet orbiting only one of the stellar components or both of them.
 ===== Conclusions ===== ===== Conclusions =====
open/wp4/wp4exodm_report.1538551893.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2018/10/03 09:31 by molinaro