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open:wp4:school1 [2015/12/18 14:32]
open:wp4:school1 [2017/09/18 10:36] (current)
solano [School follow-up]
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 **Contact:​** esm (at) cab (dot) inta-csic (dot) es **Contact:​** esm (at) cab (dot) inta-csic (dot) es
-[[open:​wp4:​start|WP4:​ Data Access and Data Interoperability]]+==== School follow-up ==== 
 +  * **Report on the questionnnaire sent to participants one year after the school (November 2016)**{{:​open:​wp4:​questionnaire1year_firstschool-1.pdf}} 
 +  * **Seminar at the National Observatory of Athens** 
 +     * Speakers: Ektoras Pouliasis & Zoi Spetsieri  
 +     * Duration: Three hours 
 +     * Date: March 2016 
 +     * Participants:​ 10 people (PhD students, Post-docs & Seniors) 
 +     * Scope: The seminar was focused on the advanced tutorials of TopCat and Aladin, making as well a general presentation about the other VO tools. 
 +  * **Seminar at the University of Athens** 
 +     * Speakers: Ektoras Pouliasis & Zoi Spetsieri  
 +     * Duration: Six hours 
 +     * Date: March 2016 
 +     * Participants:​ 25 people (15 undergraduate + 10 Master students) 
 +     * Scope: Introduce participants in the VO world and show them the capabilities of the VO tools. In particular, we went through the tutorials of TopCat, Aladin, CDS (ViZier+Simbad) and also those of VOSpec, Splat-Vo and VOSA. 
 +     * **General conclusion of both seminars**: The response of all participants was really positive to all the VO tools and they were excited to use them in their own projects, mainly the undergraduate students. 
 +     * A couple of pictures of the seminars are give below  
 +{{open:​wp4:​im3.jpg?​300}} {{open:​wp4:​im6.jpg?​300}}  
 +  * **Workshop on VO standards and tools at Krakow Observatory** 
 +     * Workshop Web page: http://​​pmwiki/​VOWorkshop/​VODayCrakow2016 
 +     * Speakers: Hendrik Heinl 
 +     * Duration: Two days 
 +     * Date: April 26th-27th 2016 
 +     * Participants:​ 25 people (from Bachelor to postdoc level). 
 +     * Scope: This course provides a basic introduction to the Virtual Observatory. The focus will be on access and analysis of table data, images and spectra. Participants will learn how to use Virtual Observatory tools like Topcat, Aladin, Splat and ADQL in hands-on sessions. 
 +     * General conclusions 
 +        * Reinforcement of links with Krakow observatory,​ in particular regarding the data publication in the VO. 
 +        * Strong interest of several participants in attending the next ASTERICS VO school to be held in Strasbourg by the end of the year.  
 +  * **Presentation in the Second Cosmology School. Kielce (Poland)** 
 +     * Workshop Web page: http://​​ 
 +     * Speakers: Hendrik Heinl 
 +     * Duration: Two days 
 +     * Date: July 16th-17th 2016 
 +     * Participants:​ 56 people 
 +     * Scope: The general purpose of the Second Cosmology School in Kielce is to give an introduction to the current knowledge in cosmology, both in theory and observations. This School is intended for undergraduate,​ MSc and PhD students, as well as young postdoctoral researchers,​ interested in these fields.  
 +The program of the school will include mini-workshops on:  
 +- cosmological simulations 
 +- Virtual Observatory database and tools 
 +- SED fitting. 
 + * **VO science cases presented during the Heraeus Summer School** 
 +     * Workshop Web page: http://​​heraeus2016/​programme.html 
 +     * Speakers: Mirko Curti, Giacomo Venturi 
 +     * Duration: One week 
 +     * Date: August 23th-30th 2016 
 +     * Participants:​ 78 people. 
 +     * Scope: The aim of the Heraeus project is to create, foster, and maintain a network of University and high school teachers, and to develop materials and methods on present day research in astronomy and astrophysics to be used in high schools.  
 +     * Tutorials presented:​ 
 +        * Determination of stellar physical parameters using VOSA: The Collinder 69 open cluster  
 +        * Discovery of Brown Dwarfs mining the 2MASS and SDSS databases with ALADIN  
 +     * Presentations can be found at: http://​​heraeus2016/​PDF/​VO_tutorial.pdf 
 +* **VO mini-workshop in the framework of the Third Cosmology School (Cracow, Poland)** 
 +     * Workshop Web page: http://​​ 
 +     * Organizers: Małgorzata (Goha) Bankowicz, Agnieszka Kurcz, Aleksander Herzig, Magdalena Krupa 
 +     * VO speakers: Hendrik Heinl, Jenny Sorce. 
 +     * Date: July 15th-16th 2017 
 +     * Participants:​ 73 people. 
 +     * Tutorials presented:​ 
 +        * Introduction to VO tools 
 +        * An introduction to the CDS services and tools 
 +        * Introduction to ADQL 
 +[[open:​wp4:​start|WP4:​ Data Access, Discovery ​and Interoperability ​(DADI)]]
open/wp4/school1.1450445564.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/12/18 14:32 by cimo