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open:gen:start [2015/12/15 17:57]
cimo created
open:gen:start [2017/07/11 13:06] (current)
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-to be filled+The Astronomy ESFRI and Research Infrastructure Cluster, ASTERICS, is a €15 million Research Infrastructure funded by the European Commission'​s Horizon 2020 framework. ASTERICS aims to address the cross-cutting synergies and common challenges shared by the various Astronomy ESFRI facilities (SKA, CTA, KM3NeT & E-ELT). It brings together for the first time, the astronomy, astrophysics and particle astrophysics communities,​ in addition to other related research infrastructures. 
 +ASTERICS is comprised of five work packages: 
 +ASTERICS Management Support Team ([[open:​wp1:​start|AMST]]),​\\ 
 +Dissemination,​ Engagement and Citizen Science ([[open:​wp2:​start|DECS]]),​\\ 
 +Observatory E-environments Linked by common ChallengeS ([[open:​wp3:​start|OBELICS]]),​\\ 
 +Data Access, Discovery & Interoperability ([[open:​wp4:​start|DADI]]),​\\ 
 +Connecting Locations of ESFRI Observatories and Partners in Astronomy for Timing and Real-time Alerts ([[open:​wp5:​start|CLEOPATRA]])
open/gen/start.1450198675.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/12/15 17:57 by cimo